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Thursday, September 3, 2020
Business Management Environmental Analysis
Question: Examine about the Business Management Environmental Analysis. Answer: Presentation Depiction of the organization and important data PepsiCo is known as universes second biggest soda organization and the universes biggest potato chips selling brand. This report depends on examination of PepsiCo Inc showcasing procedures so as to accomplish huge spot. The report soaks up every functional exertion attempted by PepsiCo so as to accomplish pertinent market development. PepsiCo was framed because of the joint endeavors of the Pepsi-Cola Company, Frito-Lay Inc. in the year 1965 to become PepsiCo Inc. Pepsi is referred to over the world as leader item and mark drink of PepsiCo Inc.'s. Tropicana was gained by the organization in the year 1998 and it converged with The Quaker Oats Company in 2001. PepsiCo universal is accessible over the globe in 200 nations and domains creating income of about $ 92 billion. The mission of PepsiCo is to become universes pioneer in purchaser item and to concentrate on turning into an advantageous food and refreshment. It needs to become advertise pioneer by getting a huge offer through crea ting wellbeing drinks (Pepsico, 2017). The thought process of PepsiCo is to deliver sound benefits for the financial specialists and to make abundant of market open doors for accomplishing development and improvement (West, Ford Ibrahim, 2015). There thought process is to act with genuineness, decency and honesty while complying with the law and guidelines of the nations they are working in. The organization is known to fabricate and known to sell assortment of salty and sweet grain based items, carbonated and non-carbonated beverages and different refreshments. The organization has achieved long haul manageable development through its operational exercises by making an upper hand through advancement (Rothaermel, 2015). The organization is intending to obtain a gigantic piece of the pie by growing business capacities; it developed at the pace of 5.5 percent in year 2006. PESTEL examination Pestle investigation is a compelling model used to break down the large scale ecological circumstance in a nation. It is utilized by significant nation to comprehend the nearby circumstance. Business can possibly develop if the organization is as of now mindful about the circumstance in the nation it is working. PepsiCo is a worldwide association with its capacity in excess of 200 nations. It is essential for an advertiser to break down the promoting circumstance so as to accomplish wanted results. Political The items made by PepsiCo are dependent upon the different neighborhood laws. The law administers food and security at better place. The law assume critical job in deciding eventual fate of PepsiCo consequently it is basic to concentrate on the political highlights of a specific nation so as to develop. Land securing is one of the variables influencing the land procurement for another industry. Te legislature of the nation is centered around making stricter strategies while keeping a check over the contamination. It is essential for an organization to conform to the different natural laws so as to develop. The crude material cost involves extraordinary concern for the organization. The cost of crude material continues fluctuating which has caused an issue for the association. Financial There are abundant of developing open doors in different nations. Globalization has lead to coordination of universes economy. It is basic to see that each organization needs to exploit from the worldwide monetary conditions There is an adjustment in the fuel costs that has caused variance in the cost of item. Fuel costs are dependent upon the large scale ecological variables (Hoffman, Corbett, Joglekar Wells, 2014). The accessibility of work is dependent upon the economic situation. In a creating nation the work are effectively accessible though in a created nation it is hard to get modest works. It is fundamental for an organization like PepsiCo to think about the worldwide financial point of view while growing business in different nations. Social PepsiCo utilizes part of water and it makes hurt condition from multiple points of view. It is fundamental for an organization like PepsiCo to think about the social variables while thinking about the earth also. It should concentrate on recharging of water. It is recommended that the organization should frame a union with the nearby ranchers which will causes a critical development. The organization should concentrate on strong waste water the board program which will help in achieving government disability. The organization has a gigantic measure of effect on the open consequently it is important to set a positive blemish on the psyche of the adolescent. This will help them I achieving a huge commercial center under an enhanced business condition. Mechanical The organization works in practically all the nations. As of now PepsiCo is working in 200 Countries selling diverse sort of food and drinks. They have just presented another can and plastic containers in a short residency. There RD office is continually working by defining wanted objectives. They are creating appealing and more up to date plans. Natural Condition is essential given more inclination if there should arise an occurrence of serving natural issues. It is important to observe the neighborhood and global standards and rules as gave by the power. Lawful So as to stay away from the lawful commitment it is important to keep a check over the lawful structure. PepsiCo Has to deal with the legitimate commitment appended with the nation they are working in. Doorman five powers model The watchman five powers model is a significant instrument that is utilized for understanding the intensity of the business. It is a useful asset utilized by organizations so as to comprehend both the quality and shortcoming. Also the instrument helps in breaking down the completive position it is thinking about (Banks, Vera, Pathak Ballard, 2016). Five powers examination help in accepting the five increasingly significant part of the organization so as to decide the serious intensity of the association (Tanwar, 2013). The different forces associated with the Porters five powers model is as per the following: Provider Power This assistance in breaking down the providers capacity to build the value identified with the product. This specific factor is influenced by different components which straightforwardly rely on the uniqueness of the item and administrations. The less provider decisions accessible in showcase the more remarkable provider are a t (Gopaldas, 2015). Purchaser power The cost of the item is purchased down which is influenced by number of variables like purchasers power. It relies upon the quality of each individual purchaser and their decision in connection with the item. The variables influencing the expense of item rely on clients decision. If there should arise an occurrence of scarcely any incredible purchasers the dealer needs to work as indicated by them. Serious Rivalry There are number of components influencing the floating intensity of the client. It is important to keep in account the capacity of the contender. This will help in similarly pulling in new administrations and items in any case providers and purchasers will change to some other item. Selling an item which has imposing business model in the market will help in achieving critical quality (Lawton, Doh Rajwani, 2014). Danger of replacement There are steady danger from the substitute items accessible in t he advertise. The client can change to some other item on the off chance that if the item doesnt fulfill the purchaser. Individuals may change to another item either by doing it physically or through redistributing (Aggarwal Sharma, 2015). Danger of new section The intensity of purchaser is influenced by another section. It is because of the capacity of new contender that can influence by and large economic situations. The contenders can rapidly go into the market if there are less economies of scale, little security for key innovation. An individual at a solid situation than he can control the market position (Felin Powell, 2016). Watchman five powers examination in setting of PepsiCo It is because of the worldwide idea of the business that PepsiCo may confront different outside elements in its industry. Serious contention or rivalry (solid power) The coca cola is one of the quickest developing soda organizations that can present danger to the income of PepsiCo. The vast majority of the organizations in the food and drinks parts are forceful and follows an imaginative showcasing approach. PepsiCo is as of now rivaling universal and nearby associations. This part grandstands PepsiCo is confronting a significant level of rivalry from its adversary s (David, David, 2014). Dealing intensity of purchasers or clients (solid power) Clients are there top need according to their statement of purpose. The shoppers can without much of a stretch move to some new item as there are numerous organizations giving comparable items. The degree of substitutes is exceptionally high causing a significant level of dealing power with the organization... it is vital for them to maintain low costs in control to go up against others (Hill, Jones Schilling, 2014). Bartering intensity of providers (frail power) It is prescribed that PepsiCo should attempt to build up beneficial connection with the providers. The high generally speaking intensity of PepsiCo alternative in procuring crude material will help in decreasing the bartering intensity of the providers. Danger of substitutes or replacement (solid power) There are numerous organizations in the market selling comparative items. Consequently it is important to analyze the business well ahead of time as this will help in giving acceptable outcomes. The purchasers can without much of a stretch move to different items on the off chance that they are not happy with it. The outer elements are representing an extraordinary danger on PepsiCo where there are numerous odds that an individual can change to some other item ((Luo, 2016). Danger of new contestants or new passage (moderate power) PepsiCo ought to stay solid regardless of there is probability of new firms going into the market. There is a moderate danger from the new firms as shopper can without much of a stretch move starting with one organization then onto the next. Anyway there are faithful buyers who need Pepsi over the other neighborhood item due to
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The condition known as delirium
The condition known as ridiculousness Presentation This task will inspect the condition known as ridiculousness and will concentrate on a clinical contextual analysis (if you don't mind see reference section 1. for the full review of the clinical contextual investigation) of a man of honor called Halim* who has introduced in the crisis office with his two little girls. This task will be isolated into two unmistakable parts; the initial segment of this task will give a clinical outline of ridiculousness and will investigate what the condition is, the regular highlights, clinical causes and intercessions accessible to oversee and treat the condition. This will give the peruser a comprehension of the parts that establish the state of insanity. The second piece of the task will at that point center around setting the gained information on incoherence on to the clinical contextual analysis of Halim so a progressively nitty gritty clinical investigation can be finished; with center being put around the job of the specialist and their mediations in tending to the key issues. *To secure and regard customer privacy the sum total of what names have been changed and any recognizable information blue-penciled with the end goal of this task. Wooziness Clinical Overview Wooziness, likewise now and again alluded to as an intense confusional state, is a typical clinical condition that presents with people encountering aggravations in awareness, psychological capacity and discernment, which has an intense beginning and fluctuating course (NICE, 2010). The significant clinical trait of a daze is that the beginning is very quick; it might introduce and create inside a brief timeframe, typically through the span of a couple of hours or days (Brown Boyle, 2002). It isn't exceptional for a person to present to medical clinic settings with side effects of daze and recognize that people who as of now are emergency clinic inpatients or in a consideration setting may likewise create insanity; it is a condition that crosses the inpatient and network settings. Writing recommends that there are two kinds of insanity; hypoactive wooziness is described by people encountering withdrawal, laziness, contemplation and languor while individuals with hyperactive daze have uplifted excitement, anxiety, disturbance and animosity (NICE, 2010). There is additionally a third variety where people may encounter a blend of both hyper and hypoactive side effects which can make finding exceptionally troublesome. It is proposed that incoherence can frequently be confused with dementia, intensifying of prior subjective issues and mature age; anyway daze is a clinical condition that varies from these different conditions as it is the abrupt and intense beginning that will in general change over the span of the day that recognizes it as ridiculousness as opposed to some other issue (Meagher, 2001). It is accounted for often inside the writing (Wong et al., 2010; NICE, 2010; Meagher, 2001; Brown Boyle, 2002; Cole, 2004 and Siddiqi House, 2006) that patients with insanity experience a decreased capacity to center and concentrate; perceptual unsettling influences which incorporates fancies, suspicion and mental trips; variances in introduction; trouble in following discussion or heading; meandering aimlessly or evolving subject; disrupted reasoning and aggravations in awareness. Notwithstanding these clinical side effects there additionally might be temperament unsettling influences and changes in neurological introduction with people encountering changes in muscle tone, tremor and automatic twitching (Map of Medicine, 2011). Incoherence happens because of basic physical pathology (American Psychiatric Association, 2000) and in spite of the fact that manifestations may present as side effects of psychological instability the condition itself has started for the most part from a hidden contamination, malady or occasion that has affected on the people physical wellbeing status (Wong et al., 2010). Instances of potential foundations for wooziness incorporate; hypovolaemic stun, cardiovascular disappointment, myocardial dead tissue, head injury, seizure, metabolic disarranges, for example, liver or renal disappointment, liquid and electrolyte lopsidedness, contamination, harm, parchedness, post usable state, torment, blockage or urinary maintenance. Notwithstanding these normal causes ridiculousness may likewise be instigated by people encountering confusions from sedate cooperations and withdrawal; and remembered for this is recommended prescriptions, unlawful medications and liquor (Map of Medicine, 2010). Incoherence is an intense condition and it can't be thought little of as the death rate for people is extremely high significantly after release from emergency clinic for as long as a year (McCusker et al., 2002), different inconveniences from wooziness likewise incorporate patients remaining longer in medical clinic which implies they are presented longer to emergency clinic procured contaminations, persevering psychological shortages and an expanded danger of the individual being released into private consideration as opposed to come back to living freely are additionally factors (Wong et al., 2010). With the side effects of incoherence introducing as the beginning of an intense psychological maladjustment it is feasible for discussion to emerge regarding which clinical group ought to be liable for the administration of the patient; furthermore; considering the proof introduced; it would be simple for the person with wooziness to be disregarded or not be examined for the purposes for the beginning of the condition which is most likely why the death rate is so high; hidden states of being that are not evaluated, treated or oversaw will keep on influencing the wellbeing status of the person. Factually the greater part of incoherence cases go unrecognized by wellbeing experts (Inouye et al., 1998). Anticipation of daze is more viable than treating it once it has created (Brown Boyle, 2002) in this manner it is significant for medicinal services experts to know about the hazard components, indications and reasons for incoherence for people under their consideration either in emergency clinic or in the network. On the off chance that daze has just grown, at that point it is the duty of the medicinal services group to deal with the condition rapidly and productively to diminish further issues and challenges for the individual; perceiving the death rates related with a determination of ridiculousness ought to encourage proficiency. To help with acquiring a more clear clinical point of view of insanity and the effect it has on an individual a clinical contextual analysis will presently be investigated. Halim Clinical Exploration Halim was admitted to the crisis office and when the clinical history was acquired from his little girls it was recognized that there had been a fast change in his psychological status which had been seen inside a 24 hour time span as his girl had not been made aware of any worries when she had addressed him the past night. Considering the proof it is workable for professionals now to consider that Halim has built up an intense condition, for example, daze and the following stage is to investigate this further. On finish of the fundamental perceptions it was apparent that there are physical irregularities present. From visual perception of the patient it is clear he has changed mental status, dry skin and broke lips. From clinical estimation of pulse, circulatory strain, temperature and oxygen immersion levels, there is additional proof of physical variations from the norm that may add to changes in psychological capacity to such an intense degree. Acquiring clinical history frequently includes data being looked for from outsiders to help clinical discoveries especially if the patient is hindered subjectively. Halims little girls had the option to give a record of a noble man who had encountered conjugal issues and separation because of liquor abuse and proof remains that he keeps on expending liquor consistently. Notwithstanding this there is a history detailed of Halim dismissing his eating regimen to the degree his little girls give food to him when they visit, he likewise takes part in wellbeing constraining practices by smoking and devouring significant levels of caffeine every day. The history got from Halims girls recognizes a man of honor who is effectively independently employed, he has side interests and interests in spite of the fact that his interpersonal organization has decreased and despite the fact that he takes part in wellbeing restricting practices, for example, smoking, drinking liquor and ignoring his dietary needs; he includes stayed autonomous inside his own home. The proof recommends there has been an intense change and with this data and the clinical proof showing Halim is encountering tachycardia, high temperature, hypotension and lack of hydration the clinical proof gives a solid sign that he is encountering side effects of ridiculousness. Further examinations are required to increase a more noteworthy comprehension of what physical changes have happened so hidden causes are dealt with, anyway the professional should set aside some effort to disclose to the relatives what tests are being finished and what the clinical group are treating Halim for. The family should be extremely bothered by the progressions to their dad and by imparting the results of the appraisal and reacting to any inquiries they may have will be useful as it is accounted for that the experience of incoherence is terrifying for both the patient and their carers and the estimation of consolation can't be disparaged (Mohta et al., 2003; Jacobson Schreibman, 1997). Overseeing Halim as far as acquiring his agree to consent to treatment and examinations might be troublesome as a result of the degree of subjective change and in light of the fact that his comprehension and judgment might be weakened due to the wooziness; in this way it is significant that the professional and family know about lawful structures and clinic approaches that are set up to guarantee the privileges of all gatherings are being secured. A case of this would be specialists being comfortable with the emergency clinics insanity arrangement, being knowledgeable in patients rights and by knowing about enactment, for example, the Mental Capacity Act (The St
Friday, August 21, 2020
memory Essays (548 words) - The Bangles, Miracle Power, Hand Gloves
Discover something that you esteem at a wide range of perspectives throughout your life. A couple of little round bangles was given to me as a blessing from my grandma. At the age around 80, She didn?t need to wear any adornments and parted with all. My granddad and mom, with whom I was so much appended intellectually that my idea, conviction, sees all took a shape such that me the individual who I am is incompletely was worked by them. Their straightforward lifestyle and basic upbeat regular day to day existence impacted me such a significant number of ways at whatever point I see and I wear the bangles I believe I am honored with this extremely extraordinary blessing. My grandma was an ignorant lady and experienced childhood in an exceptionally solid moderate Muslim family, mid 2oth century she was conceived in a town experienced childhood in a culture and time when a respectable Muslim lady was not allowed stroll past her home yard. I recollect when she stayed with our home in Dhaka the capital city of Bangladesh, she wore a full body spread the dark burka, a couple o f dark hand gloves, a couple of socks and it was exceptionally difficult to see her eyes through the head Vail. I many time asked her how she could make it in a hot sticky day sprucing up that way and, had an excursion around 7 or eight hours. She grinned and said us ?don?t stress, time will switch when you grow up, simply concentrate well, and study well so you can have a real existence as you want. She knew various Quran sections yet didn?t realize how to peruse the Quran. She knew numerous sonnets that she gained from her kids when they read for school. One thing she used to let me know, consistently be glad and fulfill what you have and be appreciative to Allah for what he gives for you. At the point when I was a child I had issue in strolling, on that time once my grandma asked my dad she had an a profound man who have supernatural occurrence capacity to fix so I she needed to take me to him , I was 12 years of age and I was sent to her, when everyone fell into rest she woke me up and we walk far in the center of night ,went through the glade, immense paddy field and came to in a house yard that was crowed however diminish helping and the smell of incense stick and consuming flame, the spot was smoky its resembled a surrounded gathering first with men then with ladies. The men was in sort of mental state he didn't look to anyone however reply or at some point request to individuals who are available I so wonder how a woman who never strolled outside she each Thursday mid-night made alone this excursion and astounding I discovered last in my life she additionally profoundly delighted in that four evening strolling such long approach and come . Just a light she When I feel dismal or baffled about something I consider back of my life my folks my grandma extraordinarily her and her time. I feel lucky, this blessing a motivation to me.
Saturday, June 6, 2020
Loveâ€A glimpse into a Cloudy Sky - Literature Essay Samples
Set in postmodern Japan, the novella Kitchen by Banana Yoshimoto is a tale of two young people struggling to find a means of self-expression. Suspended in a fast-paced society that often isolates them in a state of constant restlessness, the main characters Yuichi and Mikage seek solace within each other; their profound love shows that individuals can find a sense of belonging and core identity in life through unconcealed displays of emotion and sincere interactions with others. The absolute, sincere nature of Yuichi and Mikage’s love shows readers the importance of authenticity in not only building relationships, but also in living life. In one scene of the novella, Mikage compares the conversation she had with Yuichi to â€Å"a glimpse of stars through a chink in a cloudy sky†, ruminating that â€Å"perhaps, talks like this would lead to love†(30). This comparison of a conversation to a â€Å"glimpse of the sky†shows that genuine human interaction allows individuals to identify deeply with others, and leads them to experience ‘celestial-like’ revelations sharing profound thought. Having experienced death and long, dark moments of loneliness, Yuichi and Mikage understand that conversation is not just trivial banterâ€â€it is the vehicle for visceral vivification of emotion, by which individuals can seek spiritual consolation through identifying with others. Indeed, the conversations between them grow increasingly profound and honest. In one of the most memorable scenes of the novella, Yuichi asks Mikage earnestly within the enclosed space of an apartment elevator whether she thinks that â€Å"seeing such a beautiful moon influences what one cooks†¦in a more human sense†(61). In the intimate proximity of an elevator space, the words of Yuichi are laden with a profundity that exposes his innermost love for beauty. The candid directness with which those words are pronounced surprises Mikage, as â€Å"[her] heart faltered for an instant†and she confesses, â€Å"he spoke as if he knew [her] very soul†(61). Seeking solace and spiritu al connection with others, both Yuichi and Mikage unsheathe their pretensions and speak candidly. It is this down-to-earth attitude that brings their love to surpass the ordinary romantic relationship, at furthest remove from that expected of two young college students. Yuichi and Mikage’s love, almost divine in its complete honesty, contributes to the idea of eros, a deep form of love that, when shared between people with a common pursuit or ideal, forms a bridge of immense understanding. The open interactions between Yuichi and Mikage show that ideally not only love, but all emotion, should be without pretense and authentic in nature. While both Mikage and Yuichi are vulnerable in their display of unmasked emotion, it is Yuichi’s absolute sincerity that elevates their relationship to one profound beyond question. Through Mikage’s perspective, readers encounter Yuichi’s androgynous sentimentality; when expressing his musings on the moon, Yuichi â€Å"agreed with himself again and again, carrying on a one-man conversation†, to which Mikage replied, â€Å"you’re just like a child†(61). Mikage continues to describe Yuichi’s character as being almost child-like in its complete sincerity, anecdotally commenting on the way Yuichi would look Mikage straight in the eye and speak with the sincerity of â€Å"someone trying to persuade a murderer to turn himself in†(37). Here, Yuichi’s emotions are almost palpable as he pours with intensity his reverberating feelings towards his conversations. This characterizes him as a ‘lost child’ who has the na à ¯ve conviction that the rest of the world wants to equally share their deepest emotion with him. Yuichi’s deep-rooted trust in the display of emotion often gives the impression of being a vulnerable, ingenuous child, as children’s shameless displays of emotion are often viewed as being ‘unsophisticated’. Howver, it is specifically this heartfelt sincerity that equips Yuichi with an unfaltering strength. Through Mikage’s perspective, she believes that if â€Å"[she wanted] to see the moon over Arabia right now, [Yuichi] would say, ‘let’s go’†(75). Yuichi, empowered with his unwavering sincerity, is thus portrayed as being Mikage’s protector despite having experienced agonizing grief. Depicted as â€Å"a willow beaten down by the driving rain†(62), Yuichi is compared to the graceful and lithe tree fighting fearlessly against the penetrating, ‘driving rain’ to show both the feminine and masculi ne traits of his persona. Yuichi is androgynous in the juxtaposition of his unconcealed display of sentimentality, with his healing role in Mikage’s life. Through the androgyny of Yuichi, the author suggests that individuals should strive for absolute self-expression and seek connectivity with others. Just as Yuichi and Mikage were initially confounded by bouts of loneliness, failing to seek connectivity with others would lead to losing grasp of one’s true identity. Mikage and Yuichi’s sincere self-expression in their profound love helps them find a sense of core identity to bring spiritual gratification. The connectivity that they sought for shows that in the absence of profound love, the individual’s sense of identity may be lost. Given the rampant consumerism gripping modern day Japan, the younger generation is plagued with an incessant restlessness, leading to feelings of isolation in the postmodern society. As Mikage observes, â€Å"Yuichi hated spare time†â€â€the characters initially try to seek the ‘Other’ within themselves, but to no avail and the loneliness remains uncured (28). Unable to bear the time spent alone, Yuichi’s inner mind lacking the connectivity with another individual is presented as a gloomy, maze-like structure, directly mirrored by the sinuous makeup of the hotel Yuichi escapes to. Yuichi’s room is described as â€Å"another world†¦the covers on the futon from w hich [he] had risen still bore the shape of his body†(98). The futon still in the tangible shape of his figure provides evidence that his ‘escape’ is only a physical one, and that without the spiritual connection to another personâ€â€the sincerity of loveâ€â€the sense of self-identity will be lost in a consumerist society that only nurtures self-absorbed people who seek solitude through tangible objects. Ultimately, Yuichi fails in escaping the lonely calls of his own mind, and realizes that the solution towards finding himself and his true identity is through the meaningful interactions with Mikage, a profound relationship that will efface the emptiness. The sense of identity provided by modern Tokyo’s affluent culture is bestowed upon the young generation through participating in the consumer culture driven ‘utopia’, rather than through seeking the abstract breakthrough within themselves. Thus, Yuichi and Mikage must find a more personalized sense of identity, and do so through profound love. By candid self-expression in their relationship, both characters find connection with something dynamic and positive, bringing purpose into their lives. While the simplicity of Yoshimoto’s novella Kitchen may seem to confine it to consumerist writing like Shojo manga, its core values, such as candid love, are indeed counterculture in their immediate authenticity. The sincere relationship shared by Yuichi and Mikage transcends the idea that through unconcealed display of emotion and interactions with others, individuals may find a sense of belonging and a core self identity. Yoshimoto shows readers it is human nature that we seek raw emotion and self-expression. Even though the society we live in today is perhaps excessively capitalistic, it is not a dystopian worldâ€â€the authentic love found in Kitchen suggests that in every human being lives the small echo of raw naivety, a natural predilection of emotion over reason.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Taking a Look at Experimental Music - 934 Words
Experimental music is a term that refers to the music in the twentieth century that experiment with components of music and creating new avenues for the composition of music. In the later part of the essay, more shall be discuss on the area of experimenting sound and technique. Stylistic features of each piece such as harmony, texture, timbre, form etc, will be presented alongside with the examples of music to allow a better understanding towards experimental music. Charles Ives is an American composer which could be called as one of the founders of experimental music as he was one of the earliest composers to look in to this avenue. His inspiration for experimental music was from his father whom teaches him theory and composition. He encourages Ives to go on the route of experimenting with sounds. Ives explored new techniques regarding harmony, rhythm and form. Innovations could be seen throughout his composing career but at the same time, he preserves some of the traditional rules. In his early stage of composing, he wrote several polytonal pieces which means the use two or more keys in different layers in his music. Ex. Varations on America. Several new techniques that has been tried out by Ives includes the system of using all possible chords from a single tonic note creating chords from intervals 2nd, 3rd 4th and so on. Below is the example taken from Processional. Another of the new technique is the use of rhythmic layers. Ex. Scherzo: Al l the way around and back.Show MoreRelatedHow Social Influences Have On Participants1572 Words  | 7 Pagesrecordings. We the experimenters will be expanding on the music genres, but try to contain a minimum of one rock and roll song. Taking this into our focus will be observing how social influence will impact participant’s capability to write down more words. Section A: Restatement of Hypotheses This study will consist of having two groups an experimental and control group. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
How Is Odysseus As A Heroic Hero - 1215 Words
Throughout the myths we have read about, there is always a character whom is given direction to go on a journey. That journey usually involves some dangerous missions and meeting with strangers. Along with that, the journeys these characters go on are usually given to them by gods or directed by gods. The characters express many heroic qualities which demonstrates immense bravery. However, these brave acts are not heroic; they are sheer dumb luck that these characters blindly followed from the orders of selfish gods, selfish parents, and hope. Characters in myths are portrayed as strong, powerful, brave men who are on the journey to heroism, but after reading deeper, it is apparent that these characters are just blind to egotistical†¦show more content†¦However, Poseidon, a god, is the exact reason Odysseus has had all these horrible things happen to him. Odysseus was not heroic, he was following the gods’ orders, in which good people should in myths, even when the go ds may be leading you to death or anguish. Odysseus is not the only mythological hero who is praised for being brave, Perseus has the same description. Perseus is the son of the god of all gods, Zeus. His mother is Danae who was locked away in a tower by her father so she would not have kids. Well, that does not work because she has Perseus. Her father puts her in a chest and throws her into sea (Rector 1). A man who saves them falls in love with Danae named King Polydectes, who hated Perseus being around. According to Rector, â€Å"He sent Perseus on a quest to kill the Gorgon, Medusa, knowing that Perseus would be sure to die in the attempt. Medusa and her three sisters were monstrous creatures with wings, claws, and live snakes instead of hair. Anyone who saw a Gorgon would be immediately turned to stone†(1). Perseus, of course, goes and kills her sisters and beheads Medusa. The story continues, however, the key take away is that Perseus is the hero who killed the horribl e monster Medusa. Which is what the myth of Perseus would have you believe. However, let us look into the story of Medusa. Medusa was a beautiful woman in Greece, and she knew it. Ovid says, â€Å"Medusa once had charms; to gain her love A rival crowd of envious loversShow MoreRelatedEssay on Odysseus as a Heroic Individual613 Words  | 3 PagesOdysseus as a Heroic Individual Thesis: Odysseus was a true hero he showed this through his determination and courage. Odysseus, A True Hero? What is a hero? The dictionary defines a hero as being a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability; an illustrious warrior; a man admired for his achievements and noble qualities; one that shows great courage. 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Impact of Information Technology and Alignment
Question: Discuss about the Impact of Information Technology and Alignment. Answer: Introduction The innovation has been a major success for the digital age where the innovation is mainly in business. The smarter and the better way is to work on the different values, quality, and the productivity to handle the technologies of the world. The technology is changing with the digital marketing like social networking, online shopping and cloud computing, etc., are some of the best examples to cover the wave of IT market. (Alston et al., 2016). The effective planning of business, effectiveness in marketing, globalized sales and the systematic management is to hold the instant customer support, and the long-term growth of the business is possible only with the help of Information Technology. Importance of IT in Business The success of the business mainly depends on the accuracy and the choice for the right technology. The research has been from the organizations to invest in technology and choose the appropriate market share with the financial figures and competitiveness. The information technology provides the best opportunity to analyze the data with the specific planning of the business. It will also cover the complexity and plan for the future growth and market. The modern age with the digital marketing is the most effective tool to promote the products as well as the services in the global market. (Kitsios et al., 2016). Here, there have been different phases of the business. The business technology is revolutionizing where the small business is to use the computers, servers, and the personal digital products to develop a better competitive advantage in the economic marketplace. The major focus has been on reducing the business cost and working on automation processes like the keeping of record s, accounting, and payroll. The business owners can also use the technology to create the secured environment properly and maintain the sensitive business or customer information. The technology is for user-friendly patterns which also allow the business owners with the use of computer hardware and software. (Kok et al., 2016). Decision Making This is based on speed and accuracy which is set at the right decision for the business. The organization has to mainly go through a proper marketing research process to make the right decision. The research can easily be done through the online surveys and the forums with the use of WWW. (Lindh et al., 2016). The Big data and the Google Analytics works on the Microsoft CRM Dynamics which is a great tool to extract all the relevant information completely. The online tools provide the real-time response with the data accuracy. Marketing and Business Growth To set the standards, the success lies on the management to accurately identify the target audience and observe the trends. The overall marketing includes the public relation and the promotion with sales that has a significant impact on the growth of business. The marketing standards are for the potential customers where the digital standards include the concepts like search engine optimization (SEO), pay per click (PPC), discussion forum, emails, etc. The web market is mainly related to the long-term success of business which is primarily without any digital presence. (Mithas et al., 2016). Customer Support and Satisfaction The management of the high level of customer satisfaction is possible to the customer needs, trends and behaviors. The effective communication is important for understanding the problems and working on different channels to communicate with the customer. The channels are email, webinar and the social media portals. (Kok et al., 2016). The enterprise organizations comprise of the CRM to hold the data for properly understanding the behavior of customer and their future needs. Resource Management and Globalisation The management of the resources is to the business success where the top management need to handle the tangible and the financial resources. This has also played a major role for automating the user-friendly solutions. The internet and the cloud technology works on managing the software engineers to introduce the cloud-based ERP solutions. The managers can easily manage and monitor the organizational resources in the world through the use of personal computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones. (Nastjuk et al., 2016). The concept is related to globalization where Microsoft, Google, etc., has been the best example for the cloud-based solutions to manage the virtual or physical office. Requirements for Applying IT in Business To cover the costs, there is a need to focus on large scale and small scale business. It operates the costs where the IT infrastructure includes the hiring or training of IT staff. The IT products are for setting the company with the costs limited to the licensing fees. The integration costs and the limitations are to ensure a proper planning with reflexive decisions. The development of plans and strategies are to establish designing with the generation of unprecedented praise and success. (Lindh et al., 2016). The stakeholders need to consider a proper interaction where the installation and training will help in easy communication with other IT equipment. The installation and setting of the network are to access points and configure the network administration. IT terminology and concepts The business technology can help in improving the communication process where the emails, texting and the personal digital product applications can contribute to handling the companies. The method also allows saturating the economic market where the consumer feedback is mainly through the electronic communication methods. It also allows the companies to reach the consumers through the mobile device management. The business technology allows the companies to outsource the functions where the other business is set for the international and national business environment. (Kok et al., 2016). It also helps the owners of the company with lowering the cost and working on the business functions. The technical support and the customer service is outstanding for the outsourcing of the company. (Orlikowski et al., 2016). It will also allow the business to outsource the functions to the cheapest areas. For the management of IT, there is a need to work on: Business and IT alignment The business IT has been set to handle the marketplace competitiveness and the performance efficiently. The ability is to produce a better business value where there has been incentives and culture with the expensive IT systems that are adequate and does not provide any return on investment. The business information technology works on the knowledge and experience where the organization can operate on IT and business professions in different departments and job functions. IT governance The major goal of the IT governance is to focus on the use of information and technology with the business values. Oversees and the management performance to mitigate the risks which are associated with the use of information and organizational structure. (Kok et al., 2016). IT Financial Management The major goal is based on fixed asset management and capital management, auditing and depreciation in business. It is mainly to analyze the costs and the risks which are based on the metric based cost optimization strategy. IT Service and Configuration The performance builds on the physical attributes, design and operational information where there is a need to improve the performance, reliability and the maintainability. (Stiroh, 2016). The reduction of cost, risks and the liability patterns is to use standardized effects and evaluate the loss. IT systems used by organisations and their need The small business can help in increasing employee's productivity with technology set for the computer programs and business software. The implementation of business technology is to reduce the human labor where the functions are mainly to avoid the payment of the labor costs with the better benefits of an employee. The business owners work on the expansion of operations through the use of technology with a better output of production. The potential is based on allowing the small business to reach a new economic market. The regional, national and the international markets are set in a way to sell the products in different economic markets. The lower cost options are for the consumers to access 24*7 with the proper need of goods and services. The business owners can also work on the advertising to reach the new markets with the customers who can place the web banners or ads. (Kok et al., 2016).There are different IT systems for the organization where the focus has been on needs of ana lyst, manager and the business owner. The business operates in the company with the: Transaction processing Systems It is for the data collection, storage and the processing of the functionality. The TPS system works on the collection and handling the outputs based on the data that is collected. The best example for the TPS could be the air ticket booking where the travelers need to select the flight schedule and their seats as the input, and the processing is through the updates of the position. It is based on the real time or the batch processing system to meet the demands without any additional personnel. (Lindh et al., 2016). Customer Relationship Management System The owners of business work on synchronizing the sales and marketing efforts. Here, the accumulation is of the customer activities which includes the different purchasing trends, product defects and the inquiries by the customer. The capability includes the customers to interact with a better service or the feedback of the product. It also allows the business partners to interact based on the development of ideas and products. Business Intelligence System The business intelligence works on the identification, extraction and the analysis of data for the operational needs. (Kok et al., 2016). This is based on the collection of data from the different warehouse of information in the organization along with providing a better management with the analysis based on the lines of business. Example, the financial institutions use the system so that there is a development of credit risk to model and analyze the different numbers of lending or the credit given to the sectors. The systems use the techniques where the formulas are to determine the loan defaults. Knowledge Management System The knowledge management is mainly to redistribute and share it with the organizations. The major purpose is to bring innovation and the improved performance which brings integration and retaining of knowledge in the organization. It includes the markets to the large enterprise where the small business can easily be benefitted from the same through the central repository and retaining of information. The systems are maintained with consistency to enable a speedy response to the customer and the other partners. Conclusion The long term business success is set without leveraging the benefits of information technology in the digital age. (Kitsios et al., 2016).The company needs to bear all the reasonable costs to achieve the success with the use of innovative approach in the business strategy. The employing is highly trained with the IT professionals to make the right decision with prerequisite business success. The IT solutions work on increased productivity and efficiency of business operations and communication. Reference Alston, G. L., Allen, D. M. 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